One of the few and the absolute biggest source for alternative information is the internet. The internet is at the moment uncensored and they have no control over the information on it yet. But you can see that they are starting to manipulate views on youtube and documenting our viewing habits as well, censorship may in some cases appear.
I will not go more in to the internet but write about those who tell the truth. In other words the good guys. These people are just a few of many. Starting with politicians:

Congressman Ron Paul who is outraged about the war in Iraq. He wants the Federal Reserve to be abolished, blocking their ability to regulate currency and their economical warfare. He is a strong figure with many supporters in the United States. With him lies lots of hope.

Congressman Alan Grayson is very skeptic to the way U.s.a. is governed and speaks out against the disgusting bills as the healthcare bill, the bailout of investors paid by American taxpayers.
Congressman Mike Rogers, Congresswoman Michele Bashman, Congressman Anthony Weiner, Congressman Tim Ryan and the list goes on. As I said, just a few of many.
EU: Nigel Farage former president of the Ukip party(United Kingdom Independence party). He is against the nationalization of E.u. as the European union was meant to be a union not a nation. He is against those who holds the highest positions of power such as the Eu president Herman Van Rompuy and the foreign minister Baroness Ashton. This because they have not been elected even though they both are 2 of the most powerful people in all of Europe and even the world. (That is if you believe that the political system really is in charge

Mario Borghezio who is a member of the Europe Of Freedom And democracy group is against the infiltration of the secret societies and their way of getting in to parliament and getting the top jobs.

Other members of the European parliament: Goodfrey Bloom, Paul Nuttall, Vaclav Klaus, Jens-Peter Bonde and the list goes on, i am only namedropping a few.
Actors: Charlie Cheen most known from the movie Wall Street. Also currently in the series 2 and a half men. Charlie is outspoken and demands a new investigation of 911 and encourages people to investigate to find the facts themselves.

Hugo Weaving though he is not very outspoken about the subject he is well aware of the current situation. And can be seen in such films as the matrix trilogy and V for Vandetta witch both illustrate our reality in different ways.

Chuck Norris Most known from the U.s. Matrials series, he is an expert of martial arts. And is now an author and speaks out against the New World Order.

In this branch many are very aware of what is going on but to speak out is not very likely to have a positive affect on your career, given the fact that hoolywood is owned by them. Surely you must understand this.
Imortal techniqe who takes this issue very serious, most of he’s lyrics is political and educating. Even though he is not a mainstream artist he has millions of fans including me. He keeping the issue large will keep fighting as long as he has to. A true rapper.

Eminem is a famous rapper. He is not openly against the new world order but he’s frustration can be seen in a video I will link bellow.

Many big artists through out history was against the New World Order often they ended up dead witch is not very encouraging for future entertainers.
The New World Order agenda is can also be heard in many of the mainstream hit records, these artists are not fighting against the new world order. Instead they are working with the illuminati on a sublimate stage in their psychological warfare against us.
Eminem -Mosh