Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fighting the good fight

Though the power of the elite individuals of our society controls the main source to the consumption of our information. People with influence has always are always and will always oppose them. Politicians, artists, radio hosts and actors are speaking out, giving you the necessary information to understand what’s going on.

One of the few and the absolute biggest source for alternative information is the internet. The internet is at the moment uncensored and they have no control over the information on it yet. But you can see that they are starting to manipulate views on youtube and documenting our viewing habits as well, censorship may in some cases appear.

I will not go more in to the internet but write about those who tell the truth. In other words the good guys. These people are just a few of many. Starting with politicians:
Congressman Ron Paul who is outraged about the war in Iraq. He wants the Federal Reserve to be abolished, blocking their ability to regulate currency and their economical warfare. He is a strong figure with many supporters in the United States. With him lies lots of hope.

Congressman Alan Grayson is very skeptic to the way U.s.a. is governed and speaks out against the disgusting bills as the healthcare bill, the bailout of investors paid by American taxpayers.

Congressman Mike Rogers, Congresswoman Michele Bashman, Congressman Anthony Weiner, Congressman Tim Ryan and the list goes on. As I said, just a few of many.

EU: Nigel Farage former president of the Ukip party(United Kingdom Independence party). He is against the nationalization of E.u. as the European union was meant to be a union not a nation. He is against those who holds the highest positions of power such as the Eu president Herman Van Rompuy and the foreign minister Baroness Ashton. This because they have not been elected even though they both are 2 of the most powerful people in all of Europe and even the world. (That is if you believe that the political system really is in charge

Mario Borghezio who is a member of the Europe Of Freedom And democracy group is against the infiltration of the secret societies and their way of getting in to parliament and getting the top jobs.

Other members of the European parliament: Goodfrey Bloom, Paul Nuttall, Vaclav Klaus, Jens-Peter Bonde and the list goes on, i am only namedropping a few.

Actors: Charlie Cheen most known from the movie Wall Street. Also currently in the series 2 and a half men. Charlie is outspoken and demands a new investigation of 911 and encourages people to investigate to find the facts themselves.

Hugo Weaving though he is not very outspoken about the subject he is well aware of the current situation. And can be seen in such films as the matrix trilogy and V for Vandetta witch both illustrate our reality in different ways.

Chuck Norris Most known from the U.s. Matrials series, he is an expert of martial arts. And is now an author and speaks out against the New World Order.

In this branch many are very aware of what is going on but to speak out is not very likely to have a positive affect on your career, given the fact that hoolywood is owned by them. Surely you must understand this.


Imortal techniqe who takes this issue very serious, most of he’s lyrics is political and educating. Even though he is not a mainstream artist he has millions of fans including me. He keeping the issue large will keep fighting as long as he has to. A true rapper.

Eminem is a famous rapper. He is not openly against the new world order but he’s frustration can be seen in a video I will link bellow.

Many big artists through out history was against the New World Order often they ended up dead witch is not very encouraging for future entertainers.

The New World Order agenda is can also be heard in many of the mainstream hit records, these artists are not fighting against the new world order. Instead they are working with the illuminati on a sublimate stage in their psychological warfare against us.

Eminem -Mosh www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJgl_4KT4PY&feature=related

Monday, April 12, 2010

The illuminati and world domination

The Illuminate is the name of a secret society. The word illuminate means enlightened or keepers of the light. By light they mean knowledge and knowledge has always been a way to control civilisations. The word knowledge can be referred to science now days. And has always through history been used as a control grip.

What the people don’t understand they fear. And in earlier times it can even be known as godliness. So to maintain absolute control to keep this knowledge hidden is extremely important for the secret societies. That’s why they are called secret societies because they are the keepers of a knowledge unknown the rest.

Our view of reality is completely different to the secret societies. This because our reality is manufactured as a control structure. The secret societies are all about astrological aspects. Astrological phenomena have always been affecting our earth in different ways. So they have no interest in buying the latest ipod or other materialistic objects. They know a greater truth about our existence and our solar system and astrological aspects witch are the factor for true reality changes while we are stuck in our meaningless ways of life totally ignorant about the questions we otherwise would be wondering about.

The Illuminate itself is hidden in another society called the freemasons witch it infiltrated 1782. The average freemason does not know anything about a greater truth or hidden agendas. The Freemasons power structure is divided in steps from 1 to 33. Most freemasons remain on step 3. However each promotion in the step system represents a transformation in to a more enlightened being. As you move up in ranks you obtain greater knowledge of the true matters of life and its purpose.

It is through their knowledge of the power of psychological warfare that they control our societies. By the use of money, material objekts and media, mankind is a species easily corrupted. Given the fact that this is under their control it gives them more power than any political leaders. Because if there is no media, there is no voice of those who oppose them. They simply censor things that might hurt or stands in the way of their agenda. What is the goal of all this? The goal is as in any action movie where the bad guy wants world domination. Why should real life be any different? The political frase of this a “New World Order” and can often be heard by corrupt politicians that serve the purpose of world governance. And the world is moving closer and closer to this new world order.

More concrete goals of the Nwo and the illuminate are:
1 To remove away all current governments
2. The removal of private property
3. Removal of the right to inherit
4. Removal of patriotism
5. Removal of religion
6. Removal of family
7.The Creation of a world government.

So if you look at this goals of the illuminati and direction our world are heading they both start to blend in with eachother. Nations can be controlled by money so the more nations using a single currancy, having the same religion, speaks the same language, have the same technogoly the closer they get to their new world order.
The currancy is euro and the american dollar. The dollar will soon combine with the currancy of mexico and canada into a new currancy called the amaro from there its only a matter of time untill the euro and amaro combines in to a new currancy.
The religion is christianity but will be replaced with something new when the new world order is introduced. The language is english and is progapated through fiction, entertainers e.t.c. They are close but a lot of work still remains.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The war in Iraq is a hoax and is nothing less then profiteering. There is no reason, has never been and will never be. The situation is an absolute disgrace. And all in the name of “national security” and “the war on terror”. This is not real.

Occupation will never result in peace no less than a fire can be put out by gasoline. The war is meant to be prolonged nothing else. The media make the conflict look complicated. But to have a war is far more complicated than to have peace. War is never necessary. We are at a stage where we are developed enough to solve our conflicts with common sense. The human race is not evil in nature as many might think. Nobody really wants to have a war. The majority of the people is against it.

So if democracy was real then war would be impossible. The purpose government is to serve the people of its nation. The fact that we still have wars proves that the democracy of today is an illusion. It proves that we serve the Government instead of the other way around.
In a democracy our officials are supposed to represent us not rule us. So how is it possible for a government to pay millions of dollars witch they don’t have, send thousands of troops to a war that’s not approved buy its people?

The fact of the matter is that the people never have been in charge. If the people had any power at all, then wouldn’t things change?

Instead we are given this twisted reality where were suppose to think in a way that makes us compile and submit to what ever political agenda that fits their interests.

This is done by a very advanced type of psychological mind control powered by the media, public figures, Hollywood and political leaders. It gives us a false vision of reality. They are our biggest and almost only source to obtain information of reality. They shape us to materialistic consumers. They tell us what to wear. What to eat. What to buy, to take vaccines, and most important of all they make us forget about politics. They makes us blind in a djungle of materialistic objects that decides our status, wellbeing and popularity.

Money has always ruled the world, why would it stop now. We are nothing but the engine to a giant pyramid scheme where you have the richest men in the world at the top. Because of their extreme wealth there are no public records of their fortune. These men are wealthier than people like bill gates, who is suppose be top 5 of the richest people in the world. These men at the absolute top of the pyramid witch consists of 1% of the population together they possess more than the nations of the globe combined.

Welcome to the blogg of American Bankster. The purpose of this blogg is not to show the daily aspects of my life, this simply because there is bigger issues that’s need to be taken in to consideration.

The contents of this blogg is based on my own research, thoughts and beliefs it should not be taken as facts, but bases for your own research. My text will cover current events that take place in the world right now. I’m not going to cover the latest news regarding Tiger Woods and he’s affairs or Angelina Jolies latest plastic surgery. This because I think this should not be considered newsworthy material but private issues for famous people, we have no business what so ever knowing this, it does not affect us at all.

I will only focus what really matters and the things that are and will affect us is some way or another.

Given the fact that you and most of us are intelligent beings, we know there is something wrong with the current situation in the world. The world as we know it has serious problems such as wars, starvation, and economic crisis and so on.

Now how is it that we, being the type of intelligent beings that we are still not have been able to find a solution?

The averages persons answer would sounds something like this : International conflicts are complicated, they don’t really want to have a war their goal is to have peace. And then they simply leave it at that.

But what if it is suppose to be complicated? What if there is people profiting from our current crisis? And what if these crises are meant to be prolonged?

The answers?
Yes its meant to be complicated! If the reason for war was simply profit, sure you would oppose it. And yes there is people profiting from our unfortunate situation. War costs money and when ever there is costs there Is profit. And sure if there is profit, it is meant to keep it that way as any corporation would. Weaving the world through the eyes of a profit making corporation the answers to all this questions suddenly becomes a little bit clearer.

And how do you make a war last forever? You find an enemy that can’t be destroyed. You make your enemy in to not a nation but a title, this way you can give the title to whom ever you want to and then go to war. If you eliminate your enemy you simply throw the title on to some one else. Like the boogieman. Like a mother telling her child to do something or the “boogieman” will get you. If the child is annoying you have a problem, put in the boogieman and there you have a reaction(fear), make him go to bed and there is your solution: This is the way almost all agenda of the true rulers is put in to action from war to global warming. And you don’t even have to follow the international rules of war because this enemy is just a title. It’s the perfect war if there is money to be made of it.

Compare these factors to “the war on terror” and you got yourself a boogieman. You can never win because there are new terrorist threats every day so business is good. And when ever you want to get something done you do it in the name of “national security” as in “for your own safety” against “the evil Muslim terrorist”. The Muslim world is the biggest opposition to the infiltrated criminal rulers of our society. No doubt they where the ones to be named first as the boogieman. And on top of it all you got the famous motto “We don’t negotiate with terrorists”. Does it get any better than that?

So what is a terrorist?

A terrorist is some one who uses terror in order to get through he’s message. So if what I say is true then surely these guys are the biggest got damn terrorist the world have ever seen, they’re not only the biggest. They are the founders of the phenomena “Terrorism”. It seems that its almost only the united states of America that has these huge problem with terrorism.
Its no news that Muslims hate U.s.a.

Is there perhaps a reason for this?

Lets take a look at what some of the soldiers of U.s have to say about the war on terror.